Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Where the wind comes sweeping down the plain....

Today, the first part of my journey led me through the "mistake by the lake" (aka Cleveland). It was weird to get off a plane, and see CAVALIERS crap all over the airport sportsbar. It was cool, they had some NFL helmets up and everything. I was tempted to thank the bartender for giving us the Ravens, but that would be beyond cruel...

When I walked outside the airport, I had a heat headache (it was 70 in DC, and 98 here), and fought it off for the victory.

The only thing that strikes me (and most northerners that travel south) is the "Southern Hospitality". I've seen it whenever I went to Georgia, but OKC is on another level...let me explain:

The apartments I'm staying at are sponsored by the FAA, it's not Holiday Inn by ANY stretch of the imagination, but its doable (for now). These apartments usually have courtesy rental cars for the tenants. Well today, they ran out so I asked the property manager if I could reserve one for later (I needed a Wal-Mart run). She hands me some keys and then says, "Here, just take my car".

Lemme say this again....she handed me the keys to her personal ride.

I asked if she needed proof of insurance/I.D., and she gave me that "you gotta be kidding me" look.

So, yeah, I went to WalMart, did some looking around, and put $5 in her tank (cause Karma's a b*tch). That would NEVER happen in DC...

Things I've noticed:

-How FLAT this place can see for miles..

-It's hot...they weren't playin. The 5 day forecast looked like freakin' NBA scores.

-Native Americans represent HARD out here, and its cool to see the homies at the BBQ shack down the street hooked it UP.

-The outer regions of OKC kinda remind me of PG County, but 50% less blacker, with drive thru BBQ and liquor errywhere.

-All the kids look like Bobby Hill

-I met a few of my classmates and they seem pretty cool....give you an update tomorrow.


M.C. said...

"Lemme say this again....she handed me the keys to her personal ride."

Uh huh, are you sure you didn't charm her with your quick wit and designer cologne? You know they aren't used to that out there. If home-girl gives you the keys to her place, then you'll know it's not just southern hospitality.

"-How FLAT this place can see for miles.."

That is all over the Midwest, Midsouth region. We left the mountains and hills for you easterners.

"-Native Americans represent HARD out here, and its cool to see the homies at the BBQ shack down the street hooked it UP."

If they have that many, I know there is a casino around. Your homies at the BBQ shack??? LOL, OMG B, too funny. You've made "friends" already...

GBurgNupe said...

Yeah, they rep Choctaw out here. They can throw down some good BBQ too. I had to rag on 'em about the Aikman jersey they had up.